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Please Share My Project

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I hope that you are as excited about the Gem Chrysocolla found at the Quartette Mine as we are. This rare and semi-precious gemstone is one of the most beautiful stones in the world. Only found within the Ring of Fire. Gem Silica Chrysocolla is highy prized and collected by many gem enthouisist. The highest quality is sold by the carat weight.

Resembling much like Turquoise, however much harder and more ideal for jewerly in everyday wear. You will enjoy the vairiations of colors of blues,greens,brwns and black, giving depth withing the stone. Chrysocolla has a long history of haveing metaphysical properties for healing and communication.


Please Donate and Help us Dig Up our Dreams.


Thank You, Dotty Tinnell & Team.


Quartette Gem Co., LLC © Copyright all rights reserved.
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